© 2011 Ana. All rights reserved.

liminal seasons

I never knew if my birthday fell in summer or in fall.  Every year it was different, sometimes tinged with the hot glare of summer, despite being stuck in school (which was always exciting, anyway); sometimes the leaves had already … Continue reading

© 2011 Ana. All rights reserved.

notes from this summer

Lassen National Forest shows up on Google maps as a swath of green protected land, surrounded by tiny archipelagos of green pixelated dots, some as small as a few acres.  Sierra Pacific Lumber Co. owns most of the land surrounding … Continue reading

© 2010 Ana. All rights reserved.

a midsummer dread

Driving up to Petaluma, I passed an 18-wheeler hauling the broken-down rides from the county fair, which ended a few days prior.  I half expect to see little Pete and Artie tussle with some waves, but it’s still only July.

© 2009 Ana. All rights reserved.

pools and parks

Molly and I have been going to the Dry Dock pool lately me and Molly While the pool closed for cleaning this afternoon we visited 6BC, the most beautiful community garden ever. this is where I’d like to live